Today marks my second year on Tech Twitter/X

It has been quite a journey

It’s been 2 years since I have started my web development journey as well as building my online presence on X.

Before making my first post, I hesitated a lot about whether I should hit post or not.

I was scared because I felt like I'm going to be vulnerable and open to get judge by some negative peoples.

But I still made the post, and because of it I have achieved great stuffs.

Throughout this 2 years, I was able to:
- Make a lots of awesome friends
- Land my first frontend dev job
- Build an audience of 23k+

I woudn’t have made it without your support, and the support that I am receiving from the tech community.

So if you haven’t started building your online presence yet,

I encourage you to start doing it now.

This is the best time to start.

I would recommend you to start #100DaysOfCode challenge on X.

You will be posting your learning journey for 100 days straight.

Remember, break days are totally fine.

Whenever you are ready, feel free to mention me on your first post.

I would love to see it. 😃 

See you again soon,


or to participate.