I encourage you to start DOING this

Especially if you are a self taught

As self taught developers,

We don’t get to have connections just by learning alone.

Unlike going to college where you meet peoples and work with them.

So we gotta make our own connection.

But how?

Through social media.

You have to start making friends and connect with people.

Engage with other developers in the community.

Expose your skills in the public.

Share what you’re learning.

Share people the project you are building to practice your skills.

Show people what you’re capable of.

Because no one will do it for you.

And slowly you are gradually building your online presence.

Which would really be beneficial for you in the future when you start looking for opportunities.

That is your leverage, that’s how you stand out from majority of developers out there.

I landed my first job without a resume nor a good portfolio that shows my skills.

That time I was just starting to build my new portfolio website so the one that is deployed is a very old one and its outdated.

But my Twitter/X account served as my resume and my portfolio that shows people that I can get things done.

I always talk about this in my newsletter issues.

And I will keep on encouraging you guys to start doing it because its super beneficial.

Keep in mind at the beginning, Engaging is the key.

Because the algorithm won’t pick up your posts,

But the one’s you engage with and the friends you made are the one’s who will engage with your posts and support you.

Up until now I still engage a lot with my audience, and make new friends along the way.

So yeah start interacting with other developers and start building your online presence. 🙌 

That’s it for now.

Thanks for reading,


or to participate.